
The past two weekends we have been so lucky to play host to two great visitors, my mom and my college friend, Livni.

My mom and I did mother daughter things, which kind of involved Boston, but also kind of didn’t. I don’t have much evidence from her visit, but we did get to see some family and do some shopping and eat fried clams at Tony’s Clam Shoppe in Quincy, MA. Next time I go there I’m going to see if they can make me a good ol’ Eastern North Carolina Shrimp Burger!

Em's Mom at Tony's Clam Shoppe

The following weekend, my college friend Livni was in Boston for a college fair (she works for the admission’s office at our alma mater Salem College).  Mike was smart and laid low, while Livni and I hit the town during the day.

Mike laying low (with Keplar guarding the house)

Em & Livni in the Boston Garden

Livni’s visit can really be summed up with one word…. FOOD!  We went on amazing culinary adventures this weekend.  It started Friday night, after we caught a movie downtown, when we went to a Shabu-Shabu Japanese restaurant in Chinatown called Shabu Zen. Here you sit around a low u-shaped table with the wait staff working on the inside of the u. Everyone has their own individual hot pot with broth, and you get to cook your own food in the broth.  Its fun and comes with really cool utensils.

Saturday night, Mike joined us and we ended up at an Ethiopian restaurant called Addis Red Sea.

Mike and our dinner at Addis Red Sea

The food was amazing!! And Mike loved the efficiency of Ethiopian dining. All the food is served on top of injera, or a flat, sour dough bread – this acts like both your plate and your utensils.   It was really a great, and special dining experience.

On Sunday, we made it down to the Boston Commons for the final Summer Concert by the Boston Pops.  They are celebrating their 125th anniversary this year, and played a number of different pieces by former Boston Pop conductors, one being John Williams.  Unfortunately it started raining, so we left a little early, but it was still a nice treat and a great way to end the weekend!

At the Boston Pops

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