Monthly Archives: March 2020

Army crawling!


It has been a long lead-up, but Myron has started to army crawl. He has improved his technique a little bit since this video, but it’s similar. The propulsion is all in the arms, but he wiggles his legs as well. He really seems to tire himself out doing this after about five minutes. He […]

More messes and still almost crawling


While I am usually trying to contain messes, Em was on primary Myron duty this day, so she let him have some fun. She let him serve himself a bit with his training spoon and this suction cup bowl. It took about 30 seconds for him to pull the bowl off of the table and […]

11 months, fun with music, and almost crawling


Myron turned 11 months old today. We have no idea how that happened.For the most part, Myron has had no problem with being carried from place to place and having things brought to him. He still wants to be held most of the time, so at home, he doesn’t typically get much floor time to […]