Language is hard

This point in Myron’s language development is both amazing and funny. I mostly wanted to write this as a reminder for my future self of these things that make me laugh and will one day make me laugh again.

There were some other funny things Myron used to do which he grew out of, and I had the same idea back then to write about them, but I didn’t. I would tell you about them now, but I forgot them. Em reminds me of other things sometimes like how he used to crack up at animal sounds or how he used to pretend to be Cookie Monster eating the letter of the day by sloppily eating his foam alphabet tiles.

Myron is starting to figure out letters and numbers. He will often try to name a letter when he sees it, like in his stool with letter puzzle pieces that spell Myron. but usually he says the wrong one. He’s pretty good with “O”. Usually he says “Z” instead of “Y”. For the others, I think he confuses them for a bunch of other different letters.

Myron’s counting is pretty good, but the funny thing is that he understandably mixes up “7” and “11”. So he will count on his own, and it goes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 8, 9, 10, 11, 8, 9, 10, 11, and so on, stuck in that loop between 7 and 11.

For Christmas, Myron got a hamster that repeats back whatever you say to it. Myron insists on calling this toy “Beaver”. It is quite entertaining for Myron, and he will carry Beaver around to join Myron in whatever he is playing with (mostly trains).

For a long time, Myron has pronounced “elephant” as “ephelant”.

And sometimes he uses a toothbrush as a trunk and pretends to be an “ephelant”.

Around Halloween, Myron learned about skeletons and called them “sketelons”.

In Myron’s truck phase, for a time, any truck with a ladder on it was a fire truck. This included utility trucks or construction workers’ trucks. Sometimes Myron would put a fork on top of one of his toy trucks, which turned it into a fire truck.

I am still mostly speaking Spanish with Myron in order to try to give him some grounding in the language. Sometimes I’ll realize I had been using a wrong word for something, or that I had been using a word that is a possible word for a thing but maybe not the most commonly used one. Anyhow, I had been using “tobogán” for “sled”. Later I realized that “trineo” is the more common word. Anyhow, “tobogán” also means “playground slide”, and I had used that word for “playground slide” a lot too. Myron also calls playgrounds “swings and slides”. So putting all this together, Myron and I went sledding last weekend, and then he later asked Em to take him on his “playground”, and Em was very confused.

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