
Myron’s friend, Emmy came to visit again while their parents did some moving preparations. My friend, Mary came to visit as well for a walk in the park as a wise effort to spend time outdoors together before it gets too cold to do that.



Myron was napping upstairs when Emmy got dropped off, so when Emily brought Myron down, she asked if he wanted to look for his friend, Emmy. He got a wide-eyed excited look on his face and quickly found Emmy in the play pen. They spent some time moving dirt from one place to another in the yard and then they threw balls and laughed at each other and stumbled around the house like top-heavy bumper cars.

Every now and again, Myron spontaneously starts repeating the name, Emmy. Sometimes he thinks he hears it when we say the word “any”, and that gets him going.

Other interests that Myron has these days are:


Putting toys inside of other toys. Here, he is placing his lamby inside a birdhouse. We call it MyMy’s house, after this Myron doll that Grandma Nancy made for him – MyMy also usually lives in that house.


Climbing in chairs. This is the proud face he makes when he learns a new skill. We are trying to reinforce that standing up on a chair is against the rules by just saying “no” and  putting him back in a sitting position when he does it. It’s not very effective at stopping him from doing it again. Sometimes when he stands up on a chair, he says “no”, as if to indicate “I know I’m not supposed to do this, but I’m doing it anyway.”


Lawnmowers! They are a combination of wheels and loud noises.


Joining coworkers on mama and papa’s video meetings.


Holding our hands or arms close to him, especially when he goes to sleep. If we try to pull away too early, he complains and then grabs a finger and puts it on his face or his chest.


Using non-phone objects (including stuffed animals, bananas, and chalk) as telephones.

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